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The 18 Best Marketing Books

Steve Krug / Don`t make me think!

First published in 2000, Don't Make Me Think, written by usability guru Steve Krug, has helped hundreds of thousands of web designers and developers master the principles of intuitive navigation and informative design.

Jack Trout / Differentiate or die

In "Differentiate or Die!" Jack Trout and his co-author Steve Rivkin irrefutably prove that differentiation is the cornerstone of successful marketing and provide timely and authoritative advice on the right marketing strategies.

W. Chan Kim, Renee Mauborgne / How to Create Uncontested Market Space and Make the Competition Irrelevant

The book illustrates the explosive growth and high profitability of companies that can generate productive business ideas by creating non-existent demand in a new market with virtually no competitors, rather than having to compete with multiple competitors in low-profit markets.

Jack Trout / The 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing

The authors analyzed the marketing experience of different companies, highlighted the mistakes they make, and then compiled a set of laws that, according to experts, guarantee success. Each of these laws is an effective marketing strategy that can help a company avoid unnecessary mistakes when developing a concept. They help stand out from the competition, increase sales, and change people's perceptions.

Rob Fitzpatrick / Ask Your Mother How to communicate with customers and confirm the correctness of your business idea, if everyone is lying around?

The author will help you understand when the answer is given out of politeness and carries no value, tells you in what direction the conversation should develop, what clarifying questions to ask, how to avoid socially desirable answers, how to understand what is good or bad in a product, whether the market needs it, how to position it correctly - and all this with many real-life examples.

Phil Barden / Decoded

This book analyzes consumer behavior with the help of modern decision science. The author discusses why people make purchases, what goes on in the buyer's mind when they make a decision, and how you can use the latest science in your marketing efforts.

Mike Michalowicz / The Pumpkin plan

80% of startups die in the first few years. Entrepreneurs often find it difficult to understand how to prioritize, which clients to attract, and how to hire the right employees. The author of the book found himself in the same situation with his first business. After hearing by chance about a farmer who grows giant pumpkins year after year, he became interested in his method and discovered that there are actually a lot of similarities between how to grow a crop and how to grow a business.

Nir Eyal, Ryan Hoover / Hooked: How to Build Habit-Forming Products

The book is about how, by improving your products, you can make them irreplaceable. Drawing on years of research and extensive practical experience, Nir Eyal and Ryan Hoover describe the "hook" model: the four-step process that successful companies use to build consumer habits. After reading this book, you'll learn the basic principles behind many of the addictive things we use every day, so you can create the next generation of products that can win real consumer love.

Harry Beckwith / Selling The Invisible

About one of the most difficult areas of the business — the marketing of services. Using practical examples from both large companies such as Federal Express and Citicorp as well as small private businesses, the book tells how to sell, drive sales, and increase the number of sales of a product that cannot be heard, seen, or touched.

Mike Schultz / Professional Services Marketing

Two experienced practitioners tell how to manage the marketing processes of such a firm: how to build plans and strategies, how to create and develop a brand and marketing messages, how to implement mechanisms to create and support customer demand, build interaction with clients and partners, support the sale of firm services.

Martin Lindstrom / Buyology. A fascinating journey into the brain of the modern consumer

Based on extensive neuromarketing research, Martin Lindstrom reveals an unexpected truth about what attracts customers' attention and makes them part with their money.

Cindy Alvarez / Lean Customer Development: Building Products Your Customers Will Buy

After reading Cindy Alvarez's book, you'll master the strategy and tools for the critical task of modern business-how to reliably test your hypotheses and go to market with a product that customers demand.


Roger Best's work pays serious attention to company results, and this allows you to own the situation even in rapidly changing market conditions. Clear formulas and calculations perfectly support empirical observations. This edition is updated with new data, but the general principles still work.

Perry Marshall / 80/20 in Sales and Marketing

The author's unique tools will show you how much money you're missing and how to get it in your pocket. You will identify untapped market shares, understand the need for gradual change, learn about the prospects for high profits, buy time and discover the great income potential.

Jean-Jacques Lambin / MARKET-DRIVEN. MANAGEMENT. Strategic & Operational Marketing.

The book analyzes in detail the content and relationship of the two levels of marketing - strategic and operational, with an emphasis on the practical application of theoretical knowledge.

Philip Kotler / Marketing insights from A to Z. 80 concepts every manager needs to know.

This book outlines in a concise and easy-to-understand form the 80 concepts of effective marketing that are most important to the success of companies in today's environment. This book gives the best insight into both classic marketing tools that have stood the test of time and new innovations that have only begun to be used in recent years.

Alan Cooper / Mental hospital in the hands of patients.

We are all madmen living in a technological madhouse, and we ourselves have created this mad world. We created this nightmare with our own hands: interfaces that irritate us and tire our eyes, devices that lead to back and wrist pain. This book became a manifesto and still has not lost its relevance. The door to freedom is wide open. So why don't we see the way out? That's what Alan Cooper talks about, explaining the difference between interface and interaction.

Michael Michalko / Cracking Creativity. The Secrets Of Creative Genius

In this book, leading creativity expert Michael Michalko shows how creative people think--and how you can use their secrets to create new ideas and find out-of-the-box solutions.

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